Anna Nguyen: It is much more intelligent to try, rather than not to try.

The following article is the sharing of Anna Nguyen, VOICE’s Director of Programs, on the occasion of the trip to advocate the human rights of the Vietnamese delegation in Europe. —– “Surely, in the light of history, it is more intelligent to hope rather…

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VOICE #GivingTuesday Story

Our story for #GivingTuesday 2018
Our goal for 2018 is to raise $650,000 to resettle 50 stateless Vietnamese refugees living in Thailand.
Some has been living there for more than 20 years, undocumented. Some has been hunted by Communist Vietnam.

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Học lịch sử Việt Nam ở bảo tàng thuyền nhân Bataan, Philippines

Trong thời gian thực tập tại VOICE, do một phần chương trình đào tạo ở Philippines, chúng tôi có cơ hội đi nhiều nơi để tìm hiểu về đời sống chính trị xã hội của đất nước này. Và chuyến đi thăm Bảo tàng thuyền nhân tại Bataan,…

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VOICE Executive Director Search

Executive Director Search
Application Deadline: Midnight, Monday, December 31, 2018 (US Pacific Standard Time)
Vietnamese Overseas Initiative for Conscience Empowerment (VOICE) is seeking a dedicated Executive Director to lead our dynamic and growing US-based international organization.

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Notice of activist Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh’s release from prison

NOTICE OF ACTIVIST NGUYEN NGOC NHU QUYNH’S RELEASE FROM PRISON This afternoon October 17, 2018; activist Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh (aka “Mother Mushroom”) was granted freedom from the Vietnamese government after almost two years of imprisonment. Today she was reunited with her family and…

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Lịch chiếu phim Mẹ Vắng Nhà

Hai tháng trước, khi VOICE quyết định sẽ phổ biến cuốn phim tài liệu này, chúng tôi chỉ mong là sẽ chiếu được ở vài thành phố, rồi đến cuối tháng 8 sẽ để lên internet cho đồng bào khắp nơi trên thế giới có thể coi. Thế…

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Giáo sư Đại học Stanford Larry Diamond: 3 lời khuyên dành cho các nhà hoạt động dân chủ Việt Nam

“Các chế độ độc tài như Trung Quốc hay Việt Nam rồi sẽ rơi vào bế tắc bởi những vấn đề do chính họ gây ra,” Giáo sư Larry Diamond khẳng định trong cuộc trao đổi khi ghé thăm văn phòng VOICE hồi tháng Tám vừa…

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The heart-warming words of an 84 years old supporter

Letter to Trinh Hoi
Meaningful work is not easy. There are many terrible people in society. They are dirty and do not want anyone to look cleaner than them. They do not want anyone to become a lotus. They want to pull the lotus into the mud.

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VOICE in conjunction with other NGOs submitted contributions to the Universal Periodic Review

On July 12, 2018, VOICE in conjunction with CIVICUS, Human Rights Foundation, VOICE Vietnam, and the Civil Society Forum submitted contributions to the United Nations’ Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR). This report draws attention to the human rights violations occurring in Vietnam with particular focus on…

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VOICE Presents Documentary on Imprisoned Vietnamese Blogger Mother Mushroom Bangkok, 27 June 2018 – Noting the one-year anniversary of her first trial, VOICE reiterates its call for the Vietnamese government to immediately and unconditionally release citizen journalist, Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, popularly known as Mother Mushroom,…

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Học bổng Xã hội Dân sự VOICE lần thứ 8

VOICE trân trọng thông báo về HỌC BỔNG XÃ HỘI DÂN SỰ – ĐỢT 2, 2018. Học bổng Xã hội Dân sự của VOICE bắt đầu chính thức từ năm 2011, đã trao cơ…

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2018 Recommendations for US – Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue

Context and Update Vietnam implements a number of vaguely-worded and restrictive laws to punish individuals for exercising fundamental rights including: a. Freedom of Religion Since the new Government of Vietnam came into power in May 2016, at least 59 human…

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Having a conversation with Father Peter Namwong

We warmly invite you to follow a conversation between Father Peter Namwong and VOICE’s Executive Director Hoi Trinh. Father Peter Namwong is the benefactor of thousands of Vietnamese boat people in Thailand. He entered the seminary when he was 10 years old and was ordained a priest in…

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Suppression of human rights: Hurt the body, temper the spirit

Vu Ngoc Han, is a human rights activist in Vietnam and an intern of VOICE. Below is her speech in “The 2017 Dublin Platform”. This was organized by Front Line Defender in Ireland. The original video from Front Line Defenders…

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Lawyer Hoi Trinh: I am from Vietnam

Lawyer Trinh Hoi, the Executive Director of VOICE, spoke in the Draper Hills Summer Fellowship in 2017. In his speech, he talked about his journey to become human rights defender in Vietnam. His journey is that of a young boy who always tried to forget his damaged and…

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