English Exercise: Vision for Vietnam

Let’s take a look at the new interns’ article: Vision for Vietnam, as partial fulfillment of their English proficiency course. VISION FOR VIETNAM Max: To develop an independent and free society in Vietnam, we need democracy. People must be empowered with…

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Amnesty International: Open letter on Prisoner of Conscience Trần Huỳnh Duy Thức

On the 8th anniversary of the arrest of POC Trần Huỳnh Duy Thức – and half way through his 16-year prison sentence – the Directors of 12 Amnesty International offices call for his immediate and unconditional release. The letter also calls on Viet Nam’s prison authorities to ensure…

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Civil society across Asia is flowering but fragile

The proliferation of civil society organizations (CSOs) throughout Asia is having a significant impact on relations between the state and citizens, on the institutions of the state and on prevailing norms and values. At a recent conference organized by Akihiro Ogawa, professor of Japanese studies at the University…

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Nội dung Chương trình đào tạo dài hạn của VOICE

Hiện nay VOICE có hai chương trình học bổng là chương trình ngắn hạn trong 2 tuần và chương trình dài hạn trong 6 tháng. Chương trình học bổng dài hạn có nội dung cụ thể như sau: Các lớp học: Tiếng Anh Kỹ năng mềm:…

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UNDP Engagement With Civil Society

UNDP seeks to engage with civil society to promote the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Engagement with civil society is critical to national ownership of development processes, democratic governance, and the quality and relevance of official development programmes. Given the growing role and influence of civil society in development,…

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